Love Is Letting Go of Fear Third Edition

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SKU 9781587611186

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The third edition of this classic 12-lesson treatise on letting go of limiting thoughts features a new introduction by the author and a new foreword by musician Carlos Santana. Love Is Letting Go of Fear has been a staple of New Age literature for more than 30 years, and it's among the most widely read and best-loved books on personal growth. Gerald Jampolsky's gentle message, presented in 12 easy daily lessons, reminds readers that by letting go of fearful, limited thinking--such as a paralyzing preoccupation with the past or a chronic apprehension over the future--we can make room to thrive in the here and now. The third edition includes a new introduction in which Jampolsky addresses today's economic realities, and a new foreword by music legend Carlos Santana, a close friend of Jampolsky. The two are co-creators of a new website -- -- that will interface music, videos, calls to action, and sacred thought for the purpose of activating a higher consciousness and global change. Love Is Letting Go of Fear continues to guide millions of readers toward the realization that by releasing the restrictive thinking imposed by our own minds we can embrace a life in which negativity, doubt, and fear are replaced with optimism, joy, and love.