CD: Mindful Living

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SKU 9781591790891

Mindfulness, teaches Thich Nhat Hanh, is like the power of the sun: it illuminates the parts of your life that are in darkness. Instead of suppressing anger, fear, and guilt, mindfulness welcomes all experience. Mindful Living is a special gift-boxed collection of this beloved Zen master's most popular audio sessions, with heartfelt advice on coming fully alive to yourself and the world. The set includes: - The Art of Mindful Living?Thich Nhat Hanh shows you how to use mindfulness to welcome all aspects of experience, even the most challenging parts - Teachings on Love?In the Buddhist tradition, genuine love comprises four qualities: loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and freedom, and here you will learn how to enrich relationships of every kind with these transcendent qualities - Touching the Earth?Thich Nhat Hanh and Sister Ch?n Kh?ng teach an ancient Buddhist practice to unify body and mind in an exquisite gesture of spiritual surrender"