Dictionary of Dreams

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SKU 9781577151562

Dictionary of Dreams by Gustavus Hindman Miller is the definitive guide to unlocking the hidden meanings of your dreams. Originally published in 1901, this classic dream interpretation book has remained a trusted resource for over a century. Whether youre a novice dreamer or an experienced interpreter, this comprehensive dictionary offers insights into more than 10,000 dream symbols, helping you decode the messages of your subconscious.

At the heart of Dictionary of Dreams is Millers belief that dreams are windows into our deepest thoughts, desires, and anxieties. With entries ranging from common symbols like flying, falling, and water to more obscure images such as labyrinths or mythical creatures, this book allows you to explore the underlying emotions and personal significance of your dreams. Its easy-to-use format lets readers quickly reference symbols and interpret their nighttime visions with confidence.

Millers work is widely praised for its psychological depth and its connection to ancient traditions of dream interpretation. Drawing from various cultural, historical, and psychological influences, Dictionary of Dreams bridges the gap between modern psychological theory and timeless symbolic meanings. In this revised edition, you will also find modern interpretations alongside Millers original insights, making the book even more relevant for todays readers.

Positive Review:
"A timeless resource for dream interpretation, offering both historical insight and practical modern application." Dream Studies Press

Whether youre seeking to understand recurring dreams, symbolic imagery, or simply want to explore the mysteries of your unconscious mind, Dictionary of Dreams provides an authoritative guide. It's perfect for anyone interested in psychology, self-discovery, and the rich symbolism that dreams provide.

Author Biography:

Gustavus Hindman Miller (18571929) was a prominent figure in early 20th-century literature, particularly in the field of dream interpretation. He was a pioneer in decoding the symbolic language of dreams and remains highly respected for his comprehensive approach to understanding the subconscious.

  • Born: In 1857 in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Career: A businessman and author, Millers most influential work is Dictionary of Dreams, first published in 1901. His fascination with the mind and its hidden mechanisms led him to explore the symbolic and often mystical nature of dreams, which he believed held clues to understanding personal anxieties, desires, and experiences.
  • Influence: His work reflects a deep connection to both ancient dream interpretations and emerging psychoanalytic theories of his time. Millers book was one of the first to combine traditional interpretations with a psychological perspective, which resonated with readers across the world. His ability to balance the mystical and the scientific made Dictionary of Dreams a landmark publication.
  • Legacy: Though Miller passed away in 1929, his Dictionary of Dreams has been continuously reprinted, and its relevance remains strong in modern dream analysis. His work laid the foundation for future dream researchers and authors, and his dictionary continues to inspire both amateur dreamers and seasoned interpreters.

Millers approach to dreams as windows into the unconscious mind foreshadowed the work of later psychologists such as Carl Jung, making him a lasting figure in the field of dream interpretation.