CD: Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3 (4 CD)

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SKU 9781604077957

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Ten Guided Mindfulness Practices to Cultivate Intimacy with the Present Moment and Your Life

In a world where our attention gets distracted and diverted at every turn, mindfulness brings it back and stabilizes it where it matters mostNin the here and now. With Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3, Jon Kabat-Zinn leads you with friendliness and care through 10 Omindfulness landscapes,O including:

  • The Soundscape and MindscapeNBringing your awareness to the outer world and the inner terrain of your thoughts and emotions
  • The HeartscapeNCultivating lovingkindness, compassion, and healing for yourself and others
  • The NowscapeNMoving beyond specific objects of meditation to rest in the spaciousness of Ochoiceless awarenessO
  • The LifescapeNLetting life itself become the meditation practice and the meditation teacher

This program also includes ObreathscapeO and ObodyscapeO meditations, a guided walking meditation, a restorative yoga-like lying down practice, and a study guide with suggestions for how to best use these practices. If you are seeking to explore new domains of awareness and healing, or to enrich and deepen a long-standing meditation practice, Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3 offers rich and varied terrain for you to inhabit and explore.