DVD: What About Me?

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Everyone knows we're all one human family, trouble is it's a dysfunctional one

1 Giant Leap, the concept band and media project which brought us the double Grammy nominated Unity Through Diversity, returns with a brand new and unique music, TV and film project, What About Me?

On this visionary expedition, Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman visit over 50 locations worldwide, exploring through music, the complexities of human nature on a global scale. Featuring an exquisite assortment of collaborations, the production includes everyone from Eckhart Tolle to Michael Franti, Faithless front man Maxi Jazz to Tim Robbins and Billy Connolly to REMOs Michael Stipe. What About Me? is the culmination of four years work by the dynamic duo of 1 Giant Leap.

The backbone of the project is the music these two make. Each masterpiece begins with a pre-composed backing track which then grows and develops as new layers are added. International stars like Alanis Morissette, KD Lang and Michael Franti along with Bedouin musicians, Chinese rappers, Gabonese Pygmies and Tuvan Throat singers are seamlessly mixed and incorporated into the original 1 Giant Leap musical vision.

The theme behind these words of wisdom and musical jewels explores our collective insanity D how we are ego driven, needy in relationships, insatiable in desire, addicted to status, wounded by childhood and unable to stop thinking, but how we still manage to be inspired and creative. What's created here is an inspiring DVD that exists as an album of twelve short films each featuring a piece of music, a theme and a twelfth feature length film that plays them all continuously.

When Jamie and Duncan left on their global journey, they thought they were in control, but how could they predict what would happen when they sought wisdom from the cream of the world's thinkers, writers and entertainers, as well as many people just getting on with their lives. Unscripted, with no storyboard, these conversations reveal how we are connected not only through our creativity and our beliefs but most of all through our madness. What About Me? is a poignant, emotional and entertaining time capsule of humanity at its most inspirational.

"sensational DVD presentation...often exciting, sometimes moving, always uplifting" - 5 Stars - Weekend Australian

"The spontaneity of this excursion through music and ideas makes anything possible" - Doug Anderson, Sydney Morning Herald

"an amazing film by two genius filmmakers..." - Bono

"a genuinely groundbreaking audio-visual project of global dimensions" - Daily Telegraph

"What About Me? Will explode your senses, it made me feel young and hopeful for the first time in years" D Stephen Fry

"This series is heartening, uplifting and joyous D a fine example of inspired documentary-filmmaking" - GQ

"What About Me? takes music and philosophy and melds them together so beautifully its hard to separate what has more of an impact...very touching and inspiring stuff" - Tsunami Mag

"a unique and highly entertaining viewing experience" - Filmink

"this will be the most engaging and inspiring film you watch this year, bar none" - X-Press Magazine

" 'What About Me?' is the most inspirational film I've seen in a long time" - Conscious Living

"Wow, what an amazing feast for the senses" - Insight Magazine

"Expect to have your mind opened by this deeply moving film" - Scene Magazine

"poignant messages are communicated through a stream of beautiful images and sounds" - inthemix.com.au

"What About Me? succeeds in documenting our battle with the worlds madness...provocative and entertaining" - Music Australia Guide

2009 Best International Film - Santa Cruz Film Festival

2008 Best Documentary - Red Rock Film Festival